308931_10150439482664180_381345636_nFrom 1967, Gregory Sams was pioneering natural foods in the UK, in partnership with his brother Craig. He opened Seed macrobiotic restaurant in Paddington at the age of 19, Ceres Grain Store in the Portobello Road soon after, then Harmony Foods (now Whole Earth Foods) in 1970. It was the first British brand to ever sell and promote organic foods. In 1968 Greg created Harmony magazine, devoted to natural living, and soon after co-published Seed, the Journal of Organic Living. He conceived, created and launched the original VegeBurger in 1982, adding a new word to the language and opening up the market for vegetarian foods.

In 1990 Greg moved out of food and into fractals, founding Strange Attractions – the world’s only shop ever dedicated to chaos theory. Trading as chaOs worKs, he went on to produce and license fractal images worldwide on everything from posters to book covers to fashion fabrics. These are considered the first computer-generated images to be sold as art. His interest in chaos theory, however, was not just for the sexy psychedelic images, but for the scientific discovery that self-organisation is inherent throughout the natural world, both animate and inanimate. He already realised that freedom works better than force in human affairs, and here was proof that it works effectively all over the place.

This led him to write and publish, in 1998, his first book, Uncommon Sense – the State is Out of Date. It had a major impact on thousands of readers and the feedback was satisfying. Enjoying his role as an author, Gregory spent the first seven years of the new millennium writing Sun of gOd, Discover the Self-Organizing Consciousness that Underlies Everything. In it he re-examines what that was once our default understanding across the planet. He brings our Sun out of the closet, in from the cold, introducing us to the character that stars in the movie of life.

In 2013, amid worldwide disillusionment with the political process, Gregory upgraded his first book, retitled it The State Is Out of Date – We Can Do It Better. He suggests that living together in peace can be achieved without slaughtering each other in the process. It was published in 2014 by Disinformation Company. More words, audio, and video of/from/with Gregory can be found here.

First-hand account of Gregory’s Sixties, penned in 2007.

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